There’s nothing more romantic than a Contracting Out Agreement (pre-nup). That’s why romantic movies always end with the couple signing a relationship property agreement. Ok, maybe not.
When you are in love and planning on spending the rest of your life with someone, it does seem like a very unromantic thing to bring up over a candle lit dinner, “honey, I’d love a pre-nup”. Sure would dampen the romantic mood.
Romantic or not, a Contracting Out Agreement is a great way to decide now (while your relationship is good) how your assets and your partner’s assets will be divided should the relationship end (through separation or death). A Contracting Out Agreement can also be useful for couples who want to clarify their financial rights and responsibilities during the relationship.
A Contracting Out Agreement avoids the cost of going to court if the relationship does end avoiding unnecessary costs, stress, and time. A pre-nup will streamline the separation process making it easier on you emotionally and financially.
Bringing up the Pre-nup conversation is possibly the most unromantic thing you can do but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Take courage, rip off the bandaid and say, “Lets get a Pre-nup”. Once you’ve said it, you can leave it up to your lawyer to do the unromantic drafting and you can go back to your walking along the beach towards the sunset holding hands.
Feel free to contact me, Hayley Boud on 021 077 7785 for a free 15 minute phone call.
For your free self assessment tool to find out if a Pre-nup is right for you, please click here.

Do I need a Pre-Nup?

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Hayley Boud

Hayley Boud

Your Caring Relationship Property Lawyer, specialist in Contracting Out Agreements (Pre-Nups)