I think of a Contracting Out Agreement (Prenup) is like wearing a seatbelt. You put the seatbelt on before you drive off because you know it keeps you safe just in case there is an accident. It doesn’t somehow curse you into having a crash.
I know some people believe that having a Prenup means that you start the relationship with the idea that it won’t last and therefore, it won’t last. I don’t see it that way. I think most people hop in the car and put on a seatbelt as protection but that’s all it is, protection just in case they crash. When I put on a seatbelt, it doesn’t mean I think I will crash and therefore I will.
Most people in New Zealand wouldn’t drive without putting on their seatbelt. They know that anything can happen and they want to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. They are sure that everything is going to be fine as they drive around town and they are sure they won’t crash, but just in case, they put on the seat belt.
Nobody thinks wearing a seatbelt will curse their trip. In fact, it is the opposite, most people feel safe wearing a seatbelt which helps them enjoy the trip more. It’s the same with a Prenup, they make you feel safe knowing your assets are protected which helps you enjoy your relationship.
If you want to feel safe knowing your assets are protected so you can enjoy your relationship feel free to call me on 021 077 7785 or email me at Hayley@caringestates.co.nz
For your free self assessment tool to find out if a Prenup is right for you, please click here:

Do I need a PreNup?

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Hayley Boud

Hayley Boud

Your Caring Relationship Property and Estates Lawyer, specialist in Contracting Out Agreements (PreNups)

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