There is only one of you and no one can replace you. You are important and we need you.  That’s why you need to take good care of yourself!

One of the best ways to take care of yourself is to go outside.

Going outside is a great way to improve mental and physical health. Going outside has the same benefits to your mind as meditation. Going to the park, the beach, or even spending time in your garden is associated with greater life satisfaction and less mental distress. It’s also a great way to exercise (better than the gym).

Where’s your favorite outdoors area?

My favorite place is Day St dog park with beautiful trees, river and walking path as you can see from the photo I took a couple of weeks ago. I always feel de-stressed after being there which is why I go at least 4 times per week (not for my dog’s benefit but for my benefit 🤣).

Take care of yourself! There’s only one of you and no one can replace you. Take the time every day to go outside even if it’s just 10 minutes. You’re worth looking after!

Hayley Boud

Hayley Boud

Your Caring Relationship Property and Estates Lawyer

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