A High Court decision last Tuesday held that copyright is Relationship Property. This means the “artist may have to split 20 years’ worth of paintings and their copyright with her ex-husband”.

I’ve had clients include the copyright to artwork they have painted and books they have written in their Prenup (Contracting Out Agreement) so that if the relationship ended, the copyright would belong to them. That makes it very clear should the relationship end that the value of the copyright to their artwork or books is not divided equally between them. Not only does that protect their assets but also makes life a whole lot easier should they separate because determining the value of the copyright is not an easy task and could create a lot of difficulty and arguments.
If you have copyright you would like to protect from a relationship property claim feel free to contact me on 021 077 7785 or hayley@caringestates.co.nz
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Hayley Boud

Hayley Boud

Your Caring Relationship Property and Estates Lawyer, specialist in Contracting Out Agreements (PreNups)