Have you thought about what will happen to your beloved pets should your relationship end?
This is Alfie, isn’t he gorgeous. He’s not my dog but if he was, I would not give him up for the world. Look at him, he’s so cute.
Did you know that pets are included in the Property (Relationships) Act as relationship property? This means after you and your partner have been together for 3 years, your beloved pets now belong to you both equally.
If you have a pet that you love dearly, have you thought about what would happen should you and your partner separate? Would there be a custody battle over your pet? I have clients who have included pets in a Contracting Out Agreement (Pre-Nup) to avoid such battles, if the relationship ended. This gives certainty, peace of mind, and could save a lot of headache in the future.
On the other side, your partner/spouse might have a pet that you wouldn’t want to be responsible should your relationship end. For example, if the pet has a lot of ongoing vet costs or a special diet that you wouldn’t want to be responsible for, you could include a clause in the Contracting Out Agreement that makes it clear that the pet is your partner’s separate property.
Hayley Boud

Hayley Boud

Your Caring Relationship Property Lawyer, specialist in Contracting Out Agreements (Pre-Nups)